Wendell Rodricks (L) with Cardinal Gracias and Ruby Almeida
Quest is saddened to learn of the death on 12th February of Wendell Rodricks at the age of 59. Wendell was a founder member of Rainbow Catholics India. He was perhaps best known as a fashion designer and author based in the western Indian region of Goa. In addition he was an activist for social causes, the environment, and gay rights.
Rainbow Catholics Mumbai, from which sprang Rainbow Catholics India, was formed in 2018 following the meeting of Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Bombay with Wendell and Ruby Almeida [the then Chair of Quest].
Our condolences are extended to Wendell’s husband, Jerome Marrel whom he married in a civil ceremony in Paris in 2002. and his family.
Eternal rest grant to him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.