Last year in Rome at the foundation conference of the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics, our Quest chair Ruby Almeida was elected to the steering committee of the new body. It’s just been announced that the steering committee has named her as co-chair, alongside a German, Michael Brinkschroder. This is a an impressive achievement by our impressive chair. I am sure all of us in Quest will want to extend to her heartiest congratulations.
The news was disclosed in an email from Benjamin Oh, the newly appointed secretary:
After months of working together and also having developed a clearer organizational structure and office bearers roles as tasked by our assembly gathered last October 2015 in Rome, the GNRC – Steering Committee (SC) finally held an open nomination and election last night to properly have those roles filled. The election was a very organic and colleagial process with very little fanfare as we were all quite focus on how to support each another in further developing our Global Network going forward, we are a community in action but also in prayer together.
Just a small snippet to what amount of work we have put in together so far:
We have had 6 SC committee meetings which were punctuated by 3 separate subcommittees meetings each time (i. Organizational Development, ii. Future Assembly & Funding, iii. Communications and Public Relations) in the lead up to most of the SC meetings; we have since issued 4 public statements including (a 4 page long response to Amoris Laetitia) and 2 newsletters in multiple languages, working across 7 global time zones in crazy hours of the days, beyond the countless house of informal meetings and group work across time and place. It is a miracle. It is obvious that we wouldn’t have been able to do this without each another from the Assembly, your affirmation, contributions, thoughts and prayers have been the thing that has kept it all going.
So here are outcome of the election of the Executive Team for the GNRC:
Co-Chairs: Ruby Almeida & Michael Brinkschroeder ; Secretary: Benjamin Oh ; Treasurer:Chris Vella ; Communications Executive: Fernando Gonzalez
We work closely as a team, and we not be able to function wholly and properly without the awesome work, hearts and minds of our Steering Committee members Francis DeBernardo & Georgina Adhiambo.
As part of contingency planning to ensure ongoing executive function in the protracted absence of an office bearer to ensure ongoing operations, deputy roles were also nominated and elected from the Steering Committee to step-in to assist in such an event- Deputy Communications: Eros Xiao ; Deputy Secretary: Tim Smyth ; Deputy Treasurer: Joseanne Peregin
Kindly continue to hold us all close in your thoughts and in your prayers, as we too offered in our opening prayer led by Michael – our friends and colleagues around the world who risk so much of themselves to bring about the kingdom of God that celebrates justice, peace and love for LGBTI Catholics and our loved ones.
Congratulations to Ruby for this and for the gentle but definite swell of positive movement that seems to be coming from Quest’s Committee.
There’s still more news of “positive movement” still to come. Watch this space.
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