LGBT Catholic Testimony: Ruby Almeida (London, India)

Tomorrow, the Global Network of Rainbow Conference begins its Assembly with a series of “pre-conference” for delegates from Africa, Asia and South America. The main conference gets under way on Thursday. (Quest will be represented by our three delegates, our chair Ruby Almeida, Terry Weldon and Thomas Bartsch. In preparation for the Assembly, the GNRC…… Continue reading LGBT Catholic Testimony: Ruby Almeida (London, India)

Cardinal Nichols Acknowledges Quest’s Work

On November 11th, Cardinal Nichols wrote to all the priests of Westminster diocese about the need for ministry to lesbian and gay Catholics (which he refers to as “those who live with a same-sex attraction”). The actual content of this letter is brief and somewhat bland, but it makes two important observations. The first is…… Continue reading Cardinal Nichols Acknowledges Quest’s Work

Middlesbrough Mass for LGBT Catholics

The diocese of Middlesbrough reported in the September edition of “Catholic Voice” that after reflection by Bishop Terry, clergy, and parishioners, the Diocese would be initiating a new process of pastoral outreach and inclusion for LGBT Catholics.  That process will be formally launched on December 10th in York, with a Mass for LGBT Catholics, their…… Continue reading Middlesbrough Mass for LGBT Catholics

“Act Justly, Love Mercy”: Sr Jeannine Gramick on Doctrine

I began yesterday, with Sr Jeannine’s thoughts on how Pope Francis is directly impacting pastoral practice for LGBT Catholics. There remains the problem of the difficult Vatican doctrine, which at least on the surface, has not changed at all. To achieve the necessary change, she suggested using a football metaphor, LGBT Catholics need to “run…… Continue reading “Act Justly, Love Mercy”: Sr Jeannine Gramick on Doctrine

“Act Justly, Love Mercy”: Sr Jeannine Gramick at Quest Conference

Keynote speaker at our annual Quest conference 2017, on the theme, “Act justly, Love Mercy”, was Sr Jeannine Grammick, co-founder of New Ways Ministry in the USA. Here follow some notes I made of her talk, interspersed with my personal response. Sr Jeannine began with a valuable quotation from St Theresa of Avila: “Trust God,…… Continue reading “Act Justly, Love Mercy”: Sr Jeannine Gramick at Quest Conference

The Importance of LGBT Catholics’ Prophetic Role

Much has changed for LGBT Catholics since I first began this site, nearly nine years ago. In the institutional church under Pope Francis’ leadership, there’s been a marked shift to a more pastoral tone, to replace the harsh rhetoric under Pope Benedict XVI. At the Bishops’ Synod on Marriage and Family, even some conservative bishops…… Continue reading The Importance of LGBT Catholics’ Prophetic Role

“Year of Mercy” Mass for LGBT Catholics – Nottingham Cathedral

We have written before of Quest’s new emphasis on engagement and advocacy work with British bishops. One of the visible fruits of this is a forthcoming Mass for LGBT Catholics, to be held in St Barnabas’ Cathedral, Nottingham. Earlier this year, Ruby Almeida as Quest chair, accompanied by Claire Jenkins of the East Midlands regional group,…… Continue reading “Year of Mercy” Mass for LGBT Catholics – Nottingham Cathedral

The Papal Apology: Keep the Conversation Going. (Opinion)

Reports of Pope Francis’ apology to the gay community drew extensive commentary in the press, with divided responses from LGBT sources. There many statements that this was welcome, but also many who pointed out that the statement was limited, and just didn’t go far enough. On Sunday (3rd July) I had the privilege of participating…… Continue reading The Papal Apology: Keep the Conversation Going. (Opinion)

Pope Francis’ Apology to Gay People

I’ve been expecting this for some time – I just didn’t think it would come quite so quickly, even though it is desperately overdue. Pope Francis: Catholic Church should apologize to gay people and others it has marginalized Pope Francis says gays — and all the other people the church has marginalized, such as the…… Continue reading Pope Francis’ Apology to Gay People

3 LGBT Groups Invited to Major German Catholic Gathering.

In Germany today, Catholics gathered in Leipzig for the start of a three-day major event, the “Catholic Conference Day”, which has been held every two years since 1848 (except for an interruption during the National Socialist period). With over 1000 different exhibitions and events, some 30 000 visitors are expected. Organized by the Central Committee of…… Continue reading 3 LGBT Groups Invited to Major German Catholic Gathering.