LGBT Catholic Testimony: Ruby Almeida (London, India)

Tomorrow, the Global Network of Rainbow Conference begins its Assembly with a series of “pre-conference” for delegates from Africa, Asia and South America. The main conference gets under way on Thursday. (Quest will be represented by our three delegates, our chair Ruby Almeida, Terry Weldon and Thomas Bartsch. In preparation for the Assembly, the GNRC…… Continue reading LGBT Catholic Testimony: Ruby Almeida (London, India)

Global Network of Rainbow Catholics (Bulletin 75)

GNRC Launch in Rome: Quest Was There Early October saw the launch in Rome of the “Global Network of Rainbow Catholics”,  over the weekend immediately before the opening of the Bishops’ Synod Assembly on Marriage and Family. Four  members of our committee attended, and played prominent parts in the proceedings. Our chair, Ruby Almeida, was…… Continue reading Global Network of Rainbow Catholics (Bulletin 75)

Quest Chair Now Co-Chair of Global Network!

Last year in Rome at the foundation conference of the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics, our Quest chair Ruby Almeida was elected to the steering committee of the new body. It’s just been announced that the steering committee has named her as co-chair, alongside a German, Michael Brinkschroder. This is a an impressive achievement by…… Continue reading Quest Chair Now Co-Chair of Global Network!

Conference 2015: First Impressions (Terry Weldon)

Once again, I thoroughly enjoyed our annual conference, “The Bible: Friend or Foe?”. I was stimulated by our keynote speaker, Keith Sharpe’s thoughts on the Bible and LGBT people, and moved by the personal testimony of out other guest speaker, Ruth Sharpe, chief executive of Stonewall, and her challenges in coming out as Catholic. I…… Continue reading Conference 2015: First Impressions (Terry Weldon)

Family Synod Working Document Disappoints Global Rainbow Catholics

The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics, an international coalition (including Quest) that will be meeting in Rome at the start of the 2015 family synod, has expressed disappointment with the synod “Lineamenta” (or working document), that was released yesterday. LGBT Catholics Find Little Encouragement in Family Synod Document The “working document,” released today, that will guide…… Continue reading Family Synod Working Document Disappoints Global Rainbow Catholics