Lay Catholic LGB Discrimination in the 21st Century

“There are still multiple forms of Church influenced discrimination in the 21st Century” The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics released its first report about Lay Catholic LGB Discrimination in a Live broadcast on June 28.  This is an important piece of work and represents voices that cry out to be heard. During the launch Dr…… Continue reading Lay Catholic LGB Discrimination in the 21st Century

Rough Ideas: Reflections on Music and More by Stephen Hough

The author notes in his introduction that “Hough rhymes with rough” and uses the same word in his title. The irony is that he, as a man, and this, as writing, are about as far from rough as I can imagine. This is a most ‘refined’ book from an extraordinary man, whose ‘rough ideas’ cover…… Continue reading Rough Ideas: Reflections on Music and More by Stephen Hough

GNRC Press Release: “Welcoming and listening to LGBTIQ+ people and their families …”

GNRC Press Release N°13: International Network of LGBTIQ+ Catholics declares: “Welcoming and listening to LGBTIQ+ people and their families – not banning – is the call by Pope Francis to our Shepherds” The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics supports DignityUSA and Fortunate Families chapters after being banned by Archdiocese of Detroit Available in: English /…… Continue reading GNRC Press Release: “Welcoming and listening to LGBTIQ+ people and their families …”

Staying connected

Technology supporting our spiritual lives and connecting our communities

This page was last checked / updated: 12/06/20 Here’s some information about how we might stay connected to various spiritual communities and resources. There’s lots more on Quest’s Main Facebook page which you can find here.  News / Most recent updates ‘A Big Disease with a Little Name’ a very moving and interesting series of…… Continue reading Staying connected

Danny Barnes RIP

Mike Egan, former Secretary of Quest, has written this obituary of Danny Barnes who was actively involved in Quest in the 1980s and 1990s, and particularly with Linkline, which operated for over 30 years from 1981.  “Danny Barnes Danny Barnes (17 June 1944 – 15 May 2020) was a leading member of London Quest, and…… Continue reading Danny Barnes RIP

‘The Book of Queer Prophets’

Quest is delighted to see the publication and release today of ‘The Book of Queer Prophets’ (by Harper Collins)  #queerprophets. “THE BOOK OF QUEER PROPHETS’ challenges the idea that sexuality and faith are incompatible and highlights the stories of people who are excluded by faith communities that preach about love but fail to assist the…… Continue reading ‘The Book of Queer Prophets’

A Rosary for LGBTQ People

Fr Don Greene, MSSD Chaplain of the San Diego chapter of DIGNITY USA, has written 20 reflections on the Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary for LGBTQ people. In his introduction to the reflections Fr Don writes: “The Rosary for LGBTQ People is designed to add prayerful time to the LGBTQ person’s – or allied…… Continue reading A Rosary for LGBTQ People


A Worldwide Celebration of Sexual and Gender Diversities Deposition from the Cross. Good Friday in a Time of Virus. Image by Vywcheslav Okun, SJ With Covid19 has come a unified sense of vulnerability across the country and across the world. Our stories have something in common with those of our neighbours, immediate and abroad, and…… Continue reading IDAHO(BIT) 2020

COVID-19 – Impact on the LGBT community

Our friends at the LGBT Foundation are undertaking a “survey is being carried out to help us identify how LGBT communities in the UK areContinue reading COVID-19 – Impact on the LGBT community