Trans Day of Remembrance 2020

“Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an international day held on the 20th November to remember and stand in solidarity with our trans siblings whose lives have been lost due to anti-transgender hatred and violence. Transgender Day of Remembrance was originally started in 1999 by trans activist Gwendolyn Ann Smith, to honour Rita Hester who was killed the year before.” (Amnesty International)

Sadly, twenty years on, transphobic violence and prejudice is still just as prevalent, and in some parts of the world perhaps even more so. Transrespect Versus Transphobia report that in the last year 350 trans and gender-diverse people around the world were murdered. However we identify our sexuality and gender we need to be aware of the impact that transphobia has on our siblings and to be a source of support to each other across the LGBTQIA spectrum.

These sites have more information with graphics that summarise the details behind the shocking headline figure.

TMM Update: Trans Day of Remembrance 2020

We remember in our prayers those who have been persecuted or killed because of their gender identity, those for whom the gender they were assigned at birth is a source of pain and discomfort, and those who continue to suffer because of prejudice, misunderstanding and a lack of welcome and support, within our church and across society and our communities.

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