“Year of Mercy” Mass for LGBT Catholics – Nottingham Cathedral

We have written before of Quest’s new emphasis on engagement and advocacy work with British bishops. One of the visible fruits of this is a forthcoming Mass for LGBT Catholics, to be held in St Barnabas’ Cathedral, Nottingham. Earlier this year, Ruby Almeida as Quest chair, accompanied by Claire Jenkins of the East Midlands regional group,…… Continue reading “Year of Mercy” Mass for LGBT Catholics – Nottingham Cathedral

A Papal Apology: How Should Quest Respond (Opinion)

Responding to Pope Francis’ unambiguous apology to gay people, James Martin wrote on his facebook page (Francis said) “Christians must say sorry and not only for this. They must ask forgiveness, not just say sorry” and also ask God’s pardon. “It is a word that we forget a lot today,” he said. Pope Francis is…… Continue reading A Papal Apology: How Should Quest Respond (Opinion)