Sr Jeannine Grammick, well known for her pioneering work in Catholic LGBT ministry, was the guest speaker at this year's Quest conference. Those who were there, were agreed that listening to her was a wonderful experience. After the conference, she travelled with Warren Hartley and Kieran Bohan up to Liverpool, where she spoke at the… Continue reading Sr Jeannine Gramick at St Bride’s, Liverpool (VIDEO)
Tag: Sr Jeannine Gramick
Sr Jeannine Gramick: “What Can WE Do?”
Following her formal address to conference, Sr Gramick followed up on her thoughts on how LGBT Catholics could “run with the ball” in advancing LGBT ministry and doctrines, in a formal conference Q&A, and also in a personal interview with myself (concerning a project for the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups). One question asked…… Continue reading Sr Jeannine Gramick: “What Can WE Do?”
“Act Justly, Love Mercy”: Sr Jeannine Gramick on Doctrine
I began yesterday, with Sr Jeannine’s thoughts on how Pope Francis is directly impacting pastoral practice for LGBT Catholics. There remains the problem of the difficult Vatican doctrine, which at least on the surface, has not changed at all. To achieve the necessary change, she suggested using a football metaphor, LGBT Catholics need to “run…… Continue reading “Act Justly, Love Mercy”: Sr Jeannine Gramick on Doctrine
“Act Justly, Love Mercy”: Sr Jeannine Gramick at Quest Conference
Keynote speaker at our annual Quest conference 2017, on the theme, “Act justly, Love Mercy”, was Sr Jeannine Grammick, co-founder of New Ways Ministry in the USA. Here follow some notes I made of her talk, interspersed with my personal response. Sr Jeannine began with a valuable quotation from St Theresa of Avila: “Trust God,…… Continue reading “Act Justly, Love Mercy”: Sr Jeannine Gramick at Quest Conference