Director: Martin Scorsese. Starring: Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver, Liam Neeson, Yôsuke Kubozuka, Issei Ogata. Certificate: 15. Running time: 161 mins. In Martin Scorsese’s introduction to a special edition of Shūsaku Endō’s Silence [i], he claims that the novel ‘is precisely about the particular and the general. And it is finally about the first overwhelming the…… Continue reading Film Review: “SILENCE”.
Tag: Quest Bulletin 77
Book Review: A Christian Epiphany over Same-Sex Marriage.
From Quest Bulletin 77, a book review: Epiphany: A Christian’s Change of Heart & Mind over Same-Sex Marriage. Michael Coren. Signal 2016. 978-0-7710-2411-5. One of the many changes that US President Donald Trump vowed to bring about in last year’s Presidential election campaign was to repeal the Federal Equal Marriage Act. He has since sent…… Continue reading Book Review: A Christian Epiphany over Same-Sex Marriage.
Lent: the holiness of suffering
From Quest Bulletin 77, a Lenten reflection: The liturgical year . . . takes us from one growth point of soul to the next until we come to understand the meaning of the moment, until we come to realize that the life of Jesus is the template for our own. If we are really meant…… Continue reading Lent: the holiness of suffering
“Rules for processing refugees” – a Lament
A reflection on refugees, from Quest Bulletin 77 (Lent 2017) Do not feed refugees – they must eat our scraps. Do not give drink to refugees – they have plenty of sea water. Do not clothe refugees – they can use charity shops. Do not visit refugees in detention – they are criminals. Do not…… Continue reading “Rules for processing refugees” – a Lament
Let’s Find Out the Real Number of Gay Priests in the Church
From Quest Bulletin 77 (Lent, 2017), a challenge concerning gay priests: “It is time for the bishops to commission a reputable survey to determine what percent of their priests are gay. They should also do a survey to determine the reaction of their flock to the reality of gay priests.” That’s one of the conclusions that…… Continue reading Let’s Find Out the Real Number of Gay Priests in the Church
Vatican re-affirms that gay men should not be ordained
From Quest Bulletin 77 (Lent, 2017), a heart-rending plea to Pope Francis, from a gay priest: ****************************************************** An alternative title for this article could easily be: “One step forward, two steps back” for, in spite of all the laudable statements and gestures of Pope Francis concerning gay people, the Vatican, in the guise of the…… Continue reading Vatican re-affirms that gay men should not be ordained
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