Today’s Gospel reading (Luke 10: 25 -37) tells us the familiar story of the Good Samaritan. At his personal blog a few years ago, Fr Geoff Farrow published a post called Delivery “Salvation”, in which he describes an encounter with two young men who came to his door attempting to deliver some salvation, in the form of a…… Continue reading Parable of the Gay Samaritan
Tag: queer scripture
Keith Sharpe: “The Bible – Friend or Foe?”
Our second speaker, Keith Sharpe, is best known for “The Gay Gospels” (2010) and his two-session address was entitled “The Bible Friend or Foe?” It allowed him a neat opportunity to divide his contributions between attempting to counteract the socalled biblical “clobber texts” and then offer the Bible as a positive, “queer-friendly tool” for the…… Continue reading Keith Sharpe: “The Bible – Friend or Foe?”