A Quest Response to “Amoris Laetitia”

In attempting to craft his Apostolic Exhortation, Pope Francis was faced with impossibly conflicting demands: intense pressure from the reformists to introduce changes to pastoral practice (if not actual doctrine) on some hot-button topics, competing with equally intense pressure from the conservative side to reaffirm both doctrine and the rules on pastoral practice.  We should…… Continue reading A Quest Response to “Amoris Laetitia”

Has the Synod “Opened a Door” to LGBT Inclusion?

The Bishops’ Synod three week assembly on marriage and family has now concluded. It’s now two years since the process began, and it’s not over yet. (We still must wait for Pope Francis’ response, which will be published as an Apostolic Exhortation). Meanwhile, LGBT opinion on the results of the assembly and its implications for…… Continue reading Has the Synod “Opened a Door” to LGBT Inclusion?

Expanding LGBT Ministry Across Westminster – And Beyond!

Cardinal Vincent Nichols has urged that the successful model of the Farm Street Masses specifically welcoming LGBTI Catholics be “rolled out” across his Westminster archdiocese, and indeed across “the nation” (in Catholic Church terms, that rather oddly means “England and Wales”. Scotland has a completely independent bishops’ conference, and Northern Ireland falls under the Primate…… Continue reading Expanding LGBT Ministry Across Westminster – And Beyond!

On Film, Gay Catholics Ask Pope Francis, "Accept Us" (VIDEO)

From Gay Star News: Gay Catholics call on Pope Francis to accept them in moving film A heartwarming film released today (10 March) aims to achieve full acceptance of LGBTI persons in the Catholic Church. It has already reached thousands of people and aims to be seen by Pope Francis and the Vatican clergy. The…… Continue reading On Film, Gay Catholics Ask Pope Francis, "Accept Us" (VIDEO)

Cardinal Marx Admits: Theology of Marriage Is Not Complete!

The Family Synod in Rome last October created some excitement about the possibility of a new, more pastorally sensitive approach to gay and lesbian Catholics by the Catholic Church. That gathering, however, was no more than a first step – a preparatory exercise, before the main synod later this year. But even that will not…… Continue reading Cardinal Marx Admits: Theology of Marriage Is Not Complete!

Frank DeBenardo, on Bishop’s Call for Same – Sex Recognition, Blessings.

At Bondings 2.0, Frank DeBenardo has written about the call by a Belgian bishop for the Church to bless same – sex couples: Belgian Bishop’s Call to Bless Gay & Lesbian Couples Elicits Positive Feedback Response to Bishop Johan Bonny’s historic call for the Catholic Church to recognize and bless the committed relationships of lesbian and gay…… Continue reading Frank DeBenardo, on Bishop’s Call for Same – Sex Recognition, Blessings.