From Quest Bulletin 77, a book review: Epiphany: A Christian’s Change of Heart & Mind over Same-Sex Marriage. Michael Coren. Signal 2016. 978-0-7710-2411-5. One of the many changes that US President Donald Trump vowed to bring about in last year’s Presidential election campaign was to repeal the Federal Equal Marriage Act. He has since sent…… Continue reading Book Review: A Christian Epiphany over Same-Sex Marriage.
Tag: Catholic Church
“Forgiving the Church” – Henry Nouwen quotation
When we have been wounded by the Church, our temptation is to reject it. But when we reject the Church it becomes very hard for us to keep in touch with the living Christ. When we say: ‘I love Jesus, but I hate the Church’, we end up losing not only the Church but Jesus…… Continue reading “Forgiving the Church” – Henry Nouwen quotation
The Papal Apology: Keep the Conversation Going. (Opinion)
Reports of Pope Francis’ apology to the gay community drew extensive commentary in the press, with divided responses from LGBT sources. There many statements that this was welcome, but also many who pointed out that the statement was limited, and just didn’t go far enough. On Sunday (3rd July) I had the privilege of participating…… Continue reading The Papal Apology: Keep the Conversation Going. (Opinion)
Religious Homophobia: How Should Quest Respond?
In the days immediately after the news broke of the Orlando gay nightclub massacre, I noted at Queering the Church that the responses by Catholic bishops, and even by Pope Francis, did not include any recognition that this was not just a crime of violence by an Islamist jihadist, but was specifically targeted at gay…… Continue reading Religious Homophobia: How Should Quest Respond?
Orlando: Religion and Homophobia
Consider the facts: The killer in Orlando was a Muslim, and his target was gay men. It’s been reported that he had recently been “angered” by the sight of two men kissing. Across the country, another man was arrested on his way to a gay pride parade, armed with an alarming cache of weapons. He…… Continue reading Orlando: Religion and Homophobia
Family Synod Working Document Disappoints Global Rainbow Catholics
The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics, an international coalition (including Quest) that will be meeting in Rome at the start of the 2015 family synod, has expressed disappointment with the synod “Lineamenta” (or working document), that was released yesterday. LGBT Catholics Find Little Encouragement in Family Synod Document The “working document,” released today, that will guide…… Continue reading Family Synod Working Document Disappoints Global Rainbow Catholics
Conscience: The Catholic Way to Choose the Good.
For lgbt Catholics, and many other Christians, one of the most pressing and agonising dilemmas they face, is that of reconciling what they know to be the truth of their sexuality or gender identity, and church teaching. For Catholics in particular, the top – line response should be easy – “Follow your conscience”. The primacy…… Continue reading Conscience: The Catholic Way to Choose the Good.
A Question of Morality
As year succeeds to year, I become more determined to resist all attempts from within and outside the Church to reduce Catholic teaching to an emphasis on morality, and thus limit fundamental religious questions to issues such as abortion, divorce, contraception, and homosexuality. The questions that every living human person represents are primary. Why am I here? Do I matter? Why do I get up each morning?…… Continue reading A Question of Morality
Cardinal Marx Admits: Theology of Marriage Is Not Complete!
The Family Synod in Rome last October created some excitement about the possibility of a new, more pastorally sensitive approach to gay and lesbian Catholics by the Catholic Church. That gathering, however, was no more than a first step – a preparatory exercise, before the main synod later this year. But even that will not…… Continue reading Cardinal Marx Admits: Theology of Marriage Is Not Complete!
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