LGBT Catholics and “Catholic Teaching”

The difficulty with what is frequently described as “Catholic teaching” as it affects lesbian and gay people, is that what is popularly presented and widely known, is extremely selective, and viewed exclusively in the context of genital acts. The full teaching however, is more complex. It is well known that it is dangerous to quote isolated…… Continue reading LGBT Catholics and “Catholic Teaching”

Cardinal Marx Admits: Theology of Marriage Is Not Complete!

The Family Synod in Rome last October created some excitement about the possibility of a new, more pastorally sensitive approach to gay and lesbian Catholics by the Catholic Church. That gathering, however, was no more than a first step – a preparatory exercise, before the main synod later this year. But even that will not…… Continue reading Cardinal Marx Admits: Theology of Marriage Is Not Complete!

Trans Suicide: An Epiphany Reflection

In my school RE classes, I was taught that suicide is the one unforgiveable sin. So what are we to make of the social prejudices, discrimination, and even Church teaching or practice, that drive people to take their own lives? At Bondings 2.0, Bob Shine has a reflection on one such trans suicide that has…… Continue reading Trans Suicide: An Epiphany Reflection