Quest Conference: Day 1

Conference 2016, “Feathers on the Breath of God”, got off to a great start on Friday, 22nd July. We began in traditional manner – with a convivial welcome and chair’s reception, followed by dinner, evening prayer and the Annual General Meeting – before removing once again to the bar for some very convivial socialising.  So…… Continue reading Quest Conference: Day 1

Embracing Sexuality and Spirituality

For Quest’s conference 2016, “Feathers on the Breath of God”, we will be investigating gender, sexuality and spirituality. The keynote speakers will be looking particularly at issues of gender, but there will also be a workshop on sexuality and spirituality – topics which are too easily assumed to be in conflict for LGBT people. In…… Continue reading Embracing Sexuality and Spirituality

Gender Paranoia – and Gender Facts

In Washington D.C. for a National Prayer Breakfast, Cardinal Robert Sarah has described gay marriage as “poison” and attacked transgender rights as a form of ideological colonialism. “[T]hrough a demonic ‘gender ideology,’ a deadly impulse that is being experienced in a world increasingly cut off from God through ideological colonialism.” Cardinal Sarah, is an African,…… Continue reading Gender Paranoia – and Gender Facts

Conference First Impressions: Claire and Paschal

One of the many delights about attending the annual Quest Conference, in addition to catching up with old friends, is the pleasure of meeting newcomers. They are a gift to us, not only because they enrich us with their life stories and witness, but they also validate Quest’s very existence. So, meet “newbies” Claire and…… Continue reading Conference First Impressions: Claire and Paschal

Conference 2015: First Impressions (Terry Weldon)

Once again, I thoroughly enjoyed our annual conference, “The Bible: Friend or Foe?”. I was stimulated by our keynote speaker, Keith Sharpe’s thoughts on the Bible and LGBT people, and moved by the personal testimony of out other guest speaker, Ruth Sharpe, chief executive of Stonewall, and her challenges in coming out as Catholic. I…… Continue reading Conference 2015: First Impressions (Terry Weldon)

2014 Conference Talks: Fr Peter McVerry

A sea-change? Is Pope Francis ushering in a sea-change in the Catholic Church? I believe he is. The sea change is in our understanding of who God is and what God wants. Everywhere Jesus went, he was followed by large crowds. Five thousand people, not counting women and children, listened to him all day long, even forgetting that they were hungry,(Luke 9:10-17). Every town…… Continue reading 2014 Conference Talks: Fr Peter McVerry

Quest Conference Talks: Pádraig Ó Tuama

I stayed here for your AGM last night. I don’t know if I’ve ever stayed intentionally for a group’s AGM. They’re not things that I’m overly fond of. But I was moved last night listening to your stories, because what struck me was that you’re particularly attuned and aware to the possibility of marginalisation, and the possibility of isolation that people have, and that the concerns…… Continue reading Quest Conference Talks: Pádraig Ó Tuama