A Question of Morality

As year succeeds to year, I become more determined to resist all attempts from within and outside the Church to reduce Catholic teaching to an emphasis on morality, and thus limit fundamental religious questions to issues such as abortion, divorce, contraception, and homosexuality. The questions that every living human person represents are primary. Why am I here? Do I matter? Why do I get up each morning?…… Continue reading A Question of Morality

Son, I’ll Always Love You Whether You’re Straight Or A Closeted Gay

There’s something I want to tell you, son. You don’t have to say anything. I just want you to listen for a second, okay? I want you to know that you are the most important person in the world to me and that I will always be there for you. Because I’m your dad, and I’m always going to be.…… Continue reading Son, I’ll Always Love You Whether You’re Straight Or A Closeted Gay

2014 Conference Talks: Fr Peter McVerry

A sea-change? Is Pope Francis ushering in a sea-change in the Catholic Church? I believe he is. The sea change is in our understanding of who God is and what God wants. Everywhere Jesus went, he was followed by large crowds. Five thousand people, not counting women and children, listened to him all day long, even forgetting that they were hungry,(Luke 9:10-17). Every town…… Continue reading 2014 Conference Talks: Fr Peter McVerry

Gay Cures: “An abuse” say healthcare professionals

Leading psychiatrists have united to condemn so-called “gay cure” therapies as an “abuse” of patients which is neither ethically nor scientifically sound. A consensus statement undersigned by professional bodies including the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the British Psychological Society and the UK Council for Psychotherapy said that practitioners who offered “cures” and “treatments” for homosexuality were causing harm to their patients. In a statement requested by…… Continue reading Gay Cures: “An abuse” say healthcare professionals