A Big Heart Open to God (from Quest Bulletin 68, Winter 2013/14)

The title above is a direct quote from an exclusive interview which Pope Francis gave to Antonio Spadaro, SJ, editor in chief of La Civiltà Cattolica, the Italian Jesuit journal, and which was published in several other major Jesuit journals around the world. The following is an extract from the interview: “We need to proclaim…… Continue reading A Big Heart Open to God (from Quest Bulletin 68, Winter 2013/14)

“Seen and not heard” (Gospel Reflection from Quest Bulletin, Winter 2013)

Grown-ups have such interesting conversations, or so I thought when I was a child. They always seemed to be such interesting conversations, especially when they were talking about an absent member of the family or the shenanigans of a neighbour. The trouble was, whenever I tried to join in the conversation or ask who it…… Continue reading “Seen and not heard” (Gospel Reflection from Quest Bulletin, Winter 2013)

Conference First Impressions: Claire and Paschal

One of the many delights about attending the annual Quest Conference, in addition to catching up with old friends, is the pleasure of meeting newcomers. They are a gift to us, not only because they enrich us with their life stories and witness, but they also validate Quest’s very existence. So, meet “newbies” Claire and…… Continue reading Conference First Impressions: Claire and Paschal

Keith Sharpe: “The Bible – Friend or Foe?”

Our second speaker, Keith Sharpe, is best known for “The Gay Gospels” (2010) and his two-session address was entitled “The Bible Friend or Foe?” It allowed him a neat opportunity to divide his contributions between attempting to counteract the socalled biblical “clobber texts” and then offer the Bible as a positive, “queer-friendly tool” for the…… Continue reading Keith Sharpe: “The Bible – Friend or Foe?”

3 Poems

Mum, I kissed a man Mum, I kissed a man, His lips were my favourite meal I stayed calm not to squeal His breath was all the dew on daffodils Petals fell from his face His smile was worth an Oscar The sun rose in his tone, Our moustaches played with each other Mum, I…… Continue reading 3 Poems

Gay and Catholic? You are joking!!

Being gay or lesbian in Uganda is an abomination and a curse in the eyes of religious, culturists and or traditionalists. It is equally worse if it is the view of the Roman Catholic Church in Uganda, just like other faithbased institutions. Roman Catholic Bishops and priests have spat venom regarding the issue of homosexuality…… Continue reading Gay and Catholic? You are joking!!

Another one bites the dust

“To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune… To lose both seems like carelessness” (Lady Bracknell to Mr Jack Worthing in Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest). It was with a degree of trepidation that I announced to members of the National Committee of Quest gathered in London for their January meeting…… Continue reading Another one bites the dust

“The Body of Christ”: Sebastian Moore OSB (Book Review)

The Body of Christ: The Shudder Of Blissful Truth (Sebastian Moore OSB, with Kate Wilson) Darton, Longman and Todd 978-0-23252-857-2 When it comes to allotting a deadline for the submission of book reviews, the editor of this august journal is always very generous. However, not even the most generous deadline and careful reading could produce a review worthy of this book. This is…… Continue reading “The Body of Christ”: Sebastian Moore OSB (Book Review)