Lent: the holiness of suffering

From Quest Bulletin 77, a Lenten reflection: The liturgical year . . . takes us from one growth point of soul to the next until we come to understand the meaning of the moment, until we come to realize that the life of Jesus is the template for our own. If we are really meant…… Continue reading Lent: the holiness of suffering

“Rules for processing refugees” – a Lament

A reflection on refugees, from Quest Bulletin 77 (Lent 2017) Do not feed refugees – they must eat our scraps. Do not give drink to refugees – they have plenty of sea water. Do not clothe refugees – they can use charity shops. Do not visit refugees in detention – they are criminals. Do not…… Continue reading “Rules for processing refugees” – a Lament

Reflections: “Let us utterly crush them”

From Quest Bulletin 77 (Lent 2017), a reflection on war and religious persecution in the Middle East: Psalm 74, from which the title of this article comes, is a hymn of lament for the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. In the fourweek cycle of the Divine Office, it appears on Tuesday of the 3rd…… Continue reading Reflections: “Let us utterly crush them”

Should Jewish Schools be forced to be inclusive?

From Quest Bulletin 77 (Lent, 2017), a question about Jewish schools – with relevance to all other faith schools, too. On 28th December, Quest National Committee member, Fr Kieran Fitzsimons ofm, was invited to address the Limmud Conference. The venue for the 2016 Conference was Birmingham. The Limmud Conference is an international gathering of around…… Continue reading Should Jewish Schools be forced to be inclusive?

Let’s Find Out the Real Number of Gay Priests in the Church

From Quest Bulletin 77 (Lent, 2017), a challenge concerning gay priests:  “It is time for the bishops to commission a reputable survey to determine what percent of their priests are gay. They should also do a survey to determine the reaction of their flock to the reality of gay priests.” That’s one of the conclusions that…… Continue reading Let’s Find Out the Real Number of Gay Priests in the Church

Vatican re-affirms that gay men should not be ordained

From Quest Bulletin 77 (Lent, 2017), a heart-rending plea to Pope Francis, from a gay priest: ****************************************************** An alternative title for this article could easily be: “One step forward, two steps back” for, in spite of all the laudable statements and gestures of Pope Francis concerning gay people, the Vatican, in the guise of the…… Continue reading Vatican re-affirms that gay men should not be ordained

Global Network of Rainbow Catholics (Bulletin 75)

GNRC Launch in Rome: Quest Was There Early October saw the launch in Rome of the “Global Network of Rainbow Catholics”,  over the weekend immediately before the opening of the Bishops’ Synod Assembly on Marriage and Family. Four  members of our committee attended, and played prominent parts in the proceedings. Our chair, Ruby Almeida, was…… Continue reading Global Network of Rainbow Catholics (Bulletin 75)

LGBT Lives: John McNeill, R.I.P. (Bulletin 75)

John McNeill S.J. is a towering figure in our history for LGBT Christians of all denominations.  His groundbreaking book “The Church and the Homosexual”, was an early landmark in gay theology, but although it was originally published with the approval and backing of his Jesuit superiors, under pressure from the Vatican, it eventually led to…… Continue reading LGBT Lives: John McNeill, R.I.P. (Bulletin 75)

Reflection: “I Know That I Can Make It” (Bulletin 75)

A Letter of Transsexual Grief I am sending this to a group of people who have been significant in my recent life, many close friends and some who are not so close but whose friendship/kind acts I appreciate. On Friday 6th November in the evening whilst with Sharon on retreat centre in North Wales I…… Continue reading Reflection: “I Know That I Can Make It” (Bulletin 75)

Book Review: ‘And God saw it all was very good’ (Bulletin 75)

Quest Bulletin Book Review; January 2016; ‘And God saw it all was very good’; Book Editors: Sandra Taylor and Hazel Barnes; Arcus Foundation, Amsterdam, 2015. Book review by Tony Dimambro The European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups has worked wonders since its birth in 1982. The forum provides a spiritual space for LGBT Christians to…… Continue reading Book Review: ‘And God saw it all was very good’ (Bulletin 75)