The Body of Christ: The Shudder Of Blissful Truth (Sebastian Moore OSB, with Kate Wilson) Darton, Longman and Todd 978-0-23252-857-2 When it comes to allotting a deadline for the submission of book reviews, the editor of this august journal is always very generous. However, not even the most generous deadline and careful reading could produce a review worthy of this book. This is…… Continue reading “The Body of Christ”: Sebastian Moore OSB (Book Review)
A Question of Morality
As year succeeds to year, I become more determined to resist all attempts from within and outside the Church to reduce Catholic teaching to an emphasis on morality, and thus limit fundamental religious questions to issues such as abortion, divorce, contraception, and homosexuality. The questions that every living human person represents are primary. Why am I here? Do I matter? Why do I get up each morning?…… Continue reading A Question of Morality
Cardinal Marx Admits: Theology of Marriage Is Not Complete!
The Family Synod in Rome last October created some excitement about the possibility of a new, more pastorally sensitive approach to gay and lesbian Catholics by the Catholic Church. That gathering, however, was no more than a first step – a preparatory exercise, before the main synod later this year. But even that will not…… Continue reading Cardinal Marx Admits: Theology of Marriage Is Not Complete!
Meditation – Loving Kindness
Close your eyes. Imagine an emotion that makes you feel good. It can be love or kindness or compassion or gratitude or all of these emotions. Allow this emotion or combination of emotions to radiate out from inside you. This is what it feels like to be free of fear, anger, hatred and resentment. This…… Continue reading Meditation – Loving Kindness
Not in front of the children
The following question was posed by Ron and Mavis Pirola, codirectors of the Australian Catholic Marriage and Family Council, during last October’s Extraordinary Synod on the Family: “How should Catholic parents respond when planning a Christmas family gathering with grandchildren present, and they are asked by their son, who is in a same-sex relationship, if he can attend with his partner?” The couple for whom…… Continue reading Not in front of the children
Why Do LGBT People Feel the Catholic Church Hates Them?
In an article published last May in the magazine America, the national Catholic weekly published by the Jesuits in the United States, Fr James Martin SJ the magazine’s editor at large, contributed the following article under the title “Simply Loving.” Everybody knows that same-sex marriage and homosexual acts are contrary to Catholic moral teaching. Yet that same teaching also says that gay and lesbian people must be…… Continue reading Why Do LGBT People Feel the Catholic Church Hates Them?
Did you hear . . . Gossip is good for you – Benedict Luckhurst
According to new research carried out by the universities of Manchester, Glasgow and the West of Scotland gossip is good for our reputation because it shows we are in the know and we most enjoy dishing the dirt about familiar people – the more damaging the better. Psychologists say that at the same time it improves our social standing as a…… Continue reading Did you hear . . . Gossip is good for you – Benedict Luckhurst
Catholic deacon’s love for his trans child
Deacon Ray Dever of St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Tampa, Florida, writing as guest blogger for the New Ways Ministry blog, refers to the time his daughter came out as trans and what that meant for his faith and his community. He wrote: “Our journey has probably not been very different than the journey of any family with an LGBTQ child. It…… Continue reading Catholic deacon’s love for his trans child
The fifteen “diseases” of the Roman Curia
In his presentation of Christmas greetings to the Roman Curia, Pope Francis identified fifteen “diseases”, “malfunctions” and “infirmities” to which the Curia, like any human body, is exposed. “They are the more common diseases in our life in the Curia. They are diseases and temptations which weaken our service to the Lord.” The diseases identified are as follows: 1. The disease…… Continue reading The fifteen “diseases” of the Roman Curia
Labelling under a misapprehension
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) begins with the uplifting words, “The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God, and God never ceases to draw man to himself” (27). It goes on to address the reasons why “this ‘intimate and vital bond of man to God’ can be…… Continue reading Labelling under a misapprehension