Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to a dubium regarding the blessing of the unions of persons of the same sex, 15.03.2021 TO THE QUESTION PROPOSED: Does the Church have the power to give the blessing to unions of persons of the same sex? RESPONSE: Negative. (See here for the full…… Continue reading Quest’s Response to the CDF statement on ‘the blessing of the unions of persons of the same sex’
With Full Conviction
The With Full Conviction project seeks to provide spiritual resources for a peaceable community, through our plays and online prayer courses. Our drama company was set up in 2014 with the aim of reaching those who have become alienated from Christianity or have never seen it as having relevance to their lives. Our project has…… Continue reading With Full Conviction
Trans Day of Remembrance 2020
“Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an international day held on the 20th November to remember and stand in solidarity with our trans siblings whose lives have been lost due to anti-transgender hatred and violence. Transgender Day of Remembrance was originally started in 1999 by trans activist Gwendolyn Ann Smith, to honour Rita Hester who was…… Continue reading Trans Day of Remembrance 2020
Raindance Film Festival 2020
From 28 Oct-7 Nov 2020, the 28th Raindance Film Festival will screen hundreds of short and feature films, online and free of charge, accessible from anywhere in the UK. One of the festival strands, QUEER, showcases films that examine the everyday life, complexity, frustrations and celebrations of the LGBTQ+ experience. The selection can be found here. To…… Continue reading Raindance Film Festival 2020
Black History Month
In Quest we support our members to reconcile faith with gender identity and sexuality. How these are shaped and formed is often closely interwoven with our culture and heritage. As an organisation we need to continue expanding our understanding of intersectionality to better serve the full breadth of our membership (current and future) so that…… Continue reading Black History Month
Blood on its Hands: The Church and LGBT Youth by Carol Shepherd
I was fortunate enough to be offered an advanced copy of this book by the author. The keynote speaker at the 2019 Gathering Voices conference ‘Extending the Table’, Carol Shepherd, an academic, has an impressive publications portfolio. In this book she challenges ‘the Christian church’ to consider the all-too-well documented negative impacts of its teaching…… Continue reading Blood on its Hands: The Church and LGBT Youth by Carol Shepherd
Quest: Celebrating who we are with PRIDE
Quest has a strong history of marching in various Prides around the country. Never deterred by the weather, this year we won’t be deterred by COVID19. So this year we are doing it online. We celebrate what we have achieved, and we march remembering what still needs to be done. We stand with our siblings…… Continue reading Quest: Celebrating who we are with PRIDE
Quest at Switchboard Pride
Quest was delighted to be part of Switchboard Pride the weekend of 7-9 August 2020. Mark Dowd, former Chair of Quest took part in the panel discussion “Queerness and Religion” along with other LGBTQ+ faith groups OneBodyOneFaith, Hidayah, Sarbat and KeshetUK. Watch the video below (if you get a “Video unavailable” message click on the…… Continue reading Quest at Switchboard Pride
What can the Catholic Church learn from LGBT+ people of faith during the pandemic?
The Centre for Catholic Social Thought and Practice, an organisation based at Durham University that seeks to bring academic theologians and practitioners within Catholic organisations into dialogue, is curating a series of blog articles recording the insights and experiences of Catholic keyworkers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The series aims to be a resource for…… Continue reading What can the Catholic Church learn from LGBT+ people of faith during the pandemic?
First Online AGM for Quest
First Online AGM for Quest The 2020 Quest annual conference was scheduled to be held 17-19 July in Manchester but was postponed until 2021 because of COVID-19. However, the AGM, usually a key part of the weekend conference, went ahead online via Zoom. The pandemic prompted this new way of conducting business but by being…… Continue reading First Online AGM for Quest
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