Dignitas Infinita

George White on “Dignitas Infinita” “The Church should enter into dialogue with trans people” comments RE teacher and previous Quest trustee George White who has released a personal response to the Vatican document “Dignitas Infinita” which was published by the Vatican on April 8th. You can read George’s full response on his website here.  …… Continue reading Dignitas Infinita

Wonderfully Made LGBTQ+R(eligion) – UK Debut Screening

Wonderfully Made LGBTQ+R(eligion) Seeking change through the power of art. “Wonderfully Made — LGBTQ+R(eligion)” is a combined fine art project and feature-length documentary that together strike at the root of anti-LGBTQ+ attitudes by exploring the challenges and aspirations of LGBTQ+ Catholics and, indeed, any religious tradition that does not fully embrace our LGBTQ+ siblings. Quest…… Continue reading Wonderfully Made LGBTQ+R(eligion) – UK Debut Screening

Quest’s response to Pope Francis on laws criminalising LGBT+ people

Quest welcomes Pope Francis’ very clear statement that laws criminalising LGBT+ people are ‘unjust’, and his reminder that “We are all children of God, and God loves us as we are and for the strength that each of us fights for our dignity”.  He called Bishops who support criminalisation to a process of conversion. We…… Continue reading Quest’s response to Pope Francis on laws criminalising LGBT+ people

Remembering Alan Gerrard

How can anyone not know Alan, who was a quiet, almost shy and retiring man? He was charming, sweet and generous with his time and talents. We found much in common with our interest in photography and with our mutual connection with the now long gone, National Catholic Radio and Television Centre in Hatch End. …… Continue reading Remembering Alan Gerrard

Quest’s statement on Proposed legislation banning Conversion Therapy

This week the government announced its plans to bring about legislation to ban so called ‘Conversion Therapy’, “an umbrella term used to describe interventions of a wide-ranging nature, all of which have in common the belief that a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity can and should be changed. Such practices aim (or claim to…… Continue reading Quest’s statement on Proposed legislation banning Conversion Therapy

Quest interview with Elizabeth James author of ‘The Turkey Baster Diaries’

Interviewee: Elizabeth James (Lizzie), author – Interviewer: Gerard Swan, Chair to Quest Gerard:         Hi Lizzie and welcome to Quest. I have to say that I was absolutely delighted to be offered the opportunity to have an advanced read of your new book ‘The Turkey Baster Dairies’ in preparation for this interview, which coincides with its forthcoming…… Continue reading Quest interview with Elizabeth James author of ‘The Turkey Baster Diaries’

Belarusian Convent Operating in Britain Engages in Homophobic Campaigning

Personal reflection by a long-standing Quest member I was surprised when another Quest member asked me whether I knew St Elisabeth Convent in Minsk, Belarus. Indeed, I was well aware of this only functioning Orthodox convent in the city that used to be my home. It regularly features in Belarusian media, often – for the…… Continue reading Belarusian Convent Operating in Britain Engages in Homophobic Campaigning

Christian Objections to Same-Sex Relationships: An Academic Assessment

Theologians challenge homophobia & signal a time for change: The Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research’s new report: “Christian Objections to Same-Sex Relationships: An Academic Assessment” “For decades the bible has been used to justify discrimination against same-sex relationships. This new study presents ground-breaking research showing that the biblical verses so long held to condemn those…… Continue reading Christian Objections to Same-Sex Relationships: An Academic Assessment

‘My Faithful Ally’ – A Place at the Table

My Faithful Ally is a recently introduced Podcast “The aim of the podcast is to provide and create a platform where Christians (from both the lgbt+ community and not) can have a positive discussion about how sexuality impacts people’s faith, and their relationship with other Christians and non-Christians.” Episode 6 features Quest’s Chair, Gerard Swan…… Continue reading ‘My Faithful Ally’ – A Place at the Table