Interviewee: Elizabeth James (Lizzie), author – Interviewer: Gerard Swan, Chair to Quest Gerard: Hi Lizzie and welcome to Quest. I have to say that I was absolutely delighted to be offered the opportunity to have an advanced read of your new book ‘The Turkey Baster Dairies’ in preparation for this interview, which coincides with its forthcoming…… Continue reading Quest interview with Elizabeth James author of ‘The Turkey Baster Diaries’
Author: Webeditor
Belarusian Convent Operating in Britain Engages in Homophobic Campaigning
Personal reflection by a long-standing Quest member I was surprised when another Quest member asked me whether I knew St Elisabeth Convent in Minsk, Belarus. Indeed, I was well aware of this only functioning Orthodox convent in the city that used to be my home. It regularly features in Belarusian media, often – for the…… Continue reading Belarusian Convent Operating in Britain Engages in Homophobic Campaigning
“Everyone who saw this, grumbled” (Luke 19:7)
At the Quest annual conference “A Time to Build”, one of the most useful insights for me came at the end of Fr James Martin’s video presentation, in which he presented a short reflection on the familiar story of Zacchaeus, who had climbed into a sycamore tree to catch sight of Jesus passing through. The…… Continue reading “Everyone who saw this, grumbled” (Luke 19:7)
My Years With Quest: Looking Back, Letting Go – and Looking Ahead.
Terry Weldon writes: I have now attended seven consecutive Quest conferences, sometimes as a speaker or workshop facilitator, and except for the first time, always as a committee member. This year, after a lengthy period of reflection and introspection, I have not made myself available for re-election. At my personal blog, Queering the Church, I…… Continue reading My Years With Quest: Looking Back, Letting Go – and Looking Ahead.
Sexuality, Gender Identity and Belief (Bulletin 80)
“My partner’s very robust and very self-assured about his sexuality. But even he’s struggled at times remaining within his faith.” “It is a sad fact that for some people, coming out within their own faith context is simply not an option.” These two quotes are taken from a guidance document – Sexuality, Gender Identity and…… Continue reading Sexuality, Gender Identity and Belief (Bulletin 80)
“…for he was an old man, and heavy” (Quest Bulletin 80)
This line from the first book of Samuel (4:18) could well describe me now that I am into my seventh decade. To the consternation of my friends and family members I have been piling on the kilograms in recent years. One friend, a doctor, looked at me and simply said, “Exercise!” For a while I…… Continue reading “…for he was an old man, and heavy” (Quest Bulletin 80)
Happy to be both: Lesbian and bisexual Catholic women (Bulletin 80)
Happy to be both: Exploring lesbian and bisexual Catholic women’s experiences of religion and sexuality The following is a summary of the findings of Marie Houghton’s MSC dissertation entitled “Exploring lesbian and bisexual Catholic women’s narratives of religious and sexual identity formation and integration”. Introduction and research aims: Research has shown that many LGBT people…… Continue reading Happy to be both: Lesbian and bisexual Catholic women (Bulletin 80)
LGBT Catholic Testimony: Ruby Almeida (London, India)
Tomorrow, the Global Network of Rainbow Conference begins its Assembly with a series of “pre-conference” for delegates from Africa, Asia and South America. The main conference gets under way on Thursday. (Quest will be represented by our three delegates, our chair Ruby Almeida, Terry Weldon and Thomas Bartsch. In preparation for the Assembly, the GNRC…… Continue reading LGBT Catholic Testimony: Ruby Almeida (London, India)
Cardinal Nichols Acknowledges Quest’s Work
On November 11th, Cardinal Nichols wrote to all the priests of Westminster diocese about the need for ministry to lesbian and gay Catholics (which he refers to as “those who live with a same-sex attraction”). The actual content of this letter is brief and somewhat bland, but it makes two important observations. The first is…… Continue reading Cardinal Nichols Acknowledges Quest’s Work
Nottingham Diocese Mass for LGBT Catholics
On Saturday 28th October – the feast of the apostles, SS Simon & Jude – the parish of St. Alban in Chaddesden, Derby, hosted the second annual Mass for LGBT people, their families and friends in the diocese of Nottingham, following a Mass celebrated by Bishop Patrick in the Cathedral last year. About eighty people…… Continue reading Nottingham Diocese Mass for LGBT Catholics
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