Portraits in Faith: Michael B Kelly

Michael B Kelly is an openly gay, Catholic Australian scholar and spiritual director and writer on gay spirituality (“Seduced by Grance”).  His doctoral research on spirituality and contemporary gay experience was entitled:  “Queer Flame of Love: re-imagining the Christian mystical tradition in light of the experience of contemporary gay men.” On facebook this week, he…… Continue reading Portraits in Faith: Michael B Kelly

AGM 2016: Highlights

An important part of every Quest conference is the AGM, which this year was held on the first evening of conference.   Reports from our chair, treasurer and membership secretary all showed that although low in numbers, we are a vigourous, healthy organisation that is now well-placed for renewed growth. As we reported earlier, in…… Continue reading AGM 2016: Highlights

Conference 2016: First Thoughts.

Conference 2016, “Feathers on the Breath of God”, is now over – and I’m starting to digest a wonderful weekend’s experience. Most obviously, attendance numbers were down on previous years and lower than we had wanted, but that was not a serious problem in the end. It was clear that those who did attend, found…… Continue reading Conference 2016: First Thoughts.

Quest Conference: Day 1

Conference 2016, “Feathers on the Breath of God”, got off to a great start on Friday, 22nd July. We began in traditional manner – with a convivial welcome and chair’s reception, followed by dinner, evening prayer and the Annual General Meeting – before removing once again to the bar for some very convivial socialising.  So…… Continue reading Quest Conference: Day 1

Theologian Joseph N Goh on Christianity and Sexual Diversity

“An exploration on Christianity, sexual diversity and sexuality by Joseph N. Goh, a priest and a scholar in gender, sexuality and theology at School ofContinue reading Theologian Joseph N Goh on Christianity and Sexual Diversity

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Family Synod 2015 (Bulletin 75)

So – what did the Synod Assembly mean for LGBT Catholics? The final document contained almost nothing referring to gay and lesbian people, and certainly changed nothing in existing teaching on the subject. Some saw this as a major disappointment: Dignity USA for example, responded with the views that it simply reinforced the status quo.…… Continue reading Family Synod 2015 (Bulletin 75)

Global Network of Rainbow Catholics (Bulletin 75)

GNRC Launch in Rome: Quest Was There Early October saw the launch in Rome of the “Global Network of Rainbow Catholics”,  over the weekend immediately before the opening of the Bishops’ Synod Assembly on Marriage and Family. Four  members of our committee attended, and played prominent parts in the proceedings. Our chair, Ruby Almeida, was…… Continue reading Global Network of Rainbow Catholics (Bulletin 75)